- Never wrap a wire rope sling completely around a hook. The tight radius will damage the sling.
- Make sure the load is balanced in the hook. Eccentric loading can reduce capacity.
- Never point-load a hook unless it is designed and rated for such use. Point-loading can reduce capacity by more than half.
- Never wrap the crane hoist rope around the load. Attach the load to the crane hook by slings or other rigging devices.
- Avoid bending wire rope slings near attached fittings or at eye sections. Signalling
Signalling is an important part of hoisting operations, whether by crane, electric or gas- powered hoist. Signallers must be used in the following situations:
- The hoist operator cannot see the load.
- The hoist operator cannot see the load’s landing area.
- The hoist operator cannot see the path of travel of the load, crane or lifting device.
- The hoist operator is far enough away from the load to make the judgment of distance difficult.
- A crane is working within a boom’s length of the approach limits to powerlines or electrical equipment.

Where loads are picked up at one point and lowered at another, two signallers may be required – one to direct the lift and one to direct the descent.
Hand signals should be used only when the distance between the operator and the signaller is not great and conditions allow for clear visibility.
Telephone or radio communications between hoist operator and signaller can be extremely effective.