Message from the CRCA President
April 16, 2020
At a time where we are supposed to be ramping up our roofing work at construction sites, COVID-19 has thrown a wrench into our plans. Many construction sites have been shut down and other are operating as normal. Each provincial government has established their own definitions of essential services and operational construction sites are based on these definitions.
As a business owner, this crisis and pandemic is something that I nor any of my roofing colleagues would ever have to face. As contractors each of us has had to make many changes to our way of doing business and many tough decisions that will impact the way we do business moving ahead. The passing of each day brings new challenges to the forefront but we also hope that it also brings us a light at the end of the tunnel.
At CRCA, we have been in contact with our provincial affiliate roofing associations, like minded national construction associations and your friends in the USA to assess the on going changes and challenges that the construction industry is facing. Each provincial affiliate roofing association is remaining in close contact with their members and their respective provincial governments to best serve our members and the industry as a whole. At CRCA it is no different. We recently launched our COVID-19 resource page on our website and are in constant contact with our friends at the Federal government and at the National Trade Contractors Council of Canada, the Canadian Construction Association and the National Roofing Contractors Association to keep abreast of the impact of COVID-19 on the construction industry.
In the face of these many challenges, I know that our industry will continue to play a vital role for Canada now, and into the future as we come out of this crisis. CRCA and our provincial affiliated roofing associations are working hard on your behalf, and we will continue to share resources with you while ensuring that your voice is heard throughout this crisis. By working together, with a collective and collaborative voice, we can help our industry get through this unique and unprecedented time.
It is also the time to keep the lines of communication open at the association level as well as with our employees, suppliers, friends and families and provide support where needed. I’m sure that many more challenges will arise but we will tackle each of these challenges to bounce back as a stronger roofing industry across Canada.
Please stay safe and remember… It’s going to be okay – Ca vas bien aller!
Jacques Beaulieu, CRCA President and Chair of the Board

1546 Wall St.
Winnipeg MB R3E 2S4
Tel.: 204-415-3012; Fax: 888-564-8210
Email: [email protected]