Canada’s construction industry requests federal support for our sector in response to the COVID-19 pandemic – we need your help!
April 23, 2020
Dear members of the roofing industry,
Trade contractors across Canada are concerned that decreased productivity and the reduction in available labour, due to COVID-19, will cause delays on projects. They are also concerned that the increase in costs from the lower productivity and meeting new health and safety operating protocols will have a significant, negative impact on their businesses. The federal government has an important role to play in setting an example, by giving flexibility on timelines and other contract terms as well as providing financial relief on projects tendered before the pandemic to ensure liquidity of the construction industry. We need to make sure that businesses that are continuing their work are doing so in a safe manner that promotes the health of workers. We also need to make sure that continuing work does not lead to undue financial hardship for trade contractors.
The National Trade Contractors Council of Canada (NTCCC) is calling on all trade contractors to write to your local MP to encourage the federal government to support the construction sector. This letter-writing link will allow you to send a pre-written, personalized letter to your Member of Parliament, and the Minister of Public Services and Procurement Canada urging them to take action. It will take about a minute to fill out and will greatly assist our advocacy efforts.
Thank you,

Bob Brunet,
Executive Director