CRCA Roofing Manuals are nationally recognized resources for roofing best practices in Canada. These manuals can be ordered below.

Roofing Preventative Maintenance Manual
Exclusive to CRCA Members.
This CRCA roofing manual provides information about maintaining a roof to obtain the highest level of performance throughout its expected service life. It can be used on its own or as part of the Standard Form of Warranty.
$25.00 (available to CRCA members only)

Roofing Specifications Manual
Ideal for architects, engineers, specifiers, building owners, contractors, and manufacturers.
This CRCA roofing manual presents proven and acceptable general standards for roofing practices and procedures. It has been extensively revised to reflect the roofing industry today, with now twice the content of the previous edition. The current edition of the manual includes:
- Paper manual and a fully searchable CD
- Exhaustive list of commonly found roofing assemblies
- Low slope and steep slope roofing
- Bituminous built-up roofing, mod-bit, EPDM, PVC, TPO, and hot rubberized membranes
- Separate specifications for insulated and uninsulated assemblies, protected membrane roofs and adhered, mechanically fastened and ballasted assemblies included where appropriate
$150.00 CAD (non-member) $100.00 CAD (member)

Canadian Roofing Reference Manual
Ideal for training of roofers, journeypersons and apprentices. Also useful to architects, engineers, specifiers, and building owners.
This CRCA roofing manual is a core national training and upgrading manual. It provides the theoretical and technical information required to perform the tasks set out in the national training standards for both apprentices and journey persons. It supplements existing roofing training material and current methods.
The manual is divided into four separate books. It is an ideal reference for use on the job site and to supplement other information that roofers require to do their jobs safely, effectively and efficiently.
$85.00 CAD
The manual is also available to view online.

Roofing Project Submittal and Protocol Guidelines
Roofing Project Submittal and Protocol Guidelines provides guidance for specifying roofing project submittals and discusses protocols for handling project submittals during projects’ design, prebid, bidding,
preconstruction, construction, and closeout phases.
The manual is free to download.